Thursday April 25, May 9 and May 16, 2013: Public Hearing, Zoning Board of Appeals, 7:30PM, Town Hall, The Great Hall
For demolition of the existing maintenance building and construction of a new 2,300 square foot Equipment Service Center & 56 parking spaces, construction of a 1,700 square foot material storage structure, a 24,700 square foot multi-use Turf Care Maintenance Building, and a 2,330 square foot Environmental Management Center... also Construction of a Comfort Station off Brookside Road.
Turfcare Maintenance Building June 2013
ZBA Turcare Permit.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [156.2 KB]
For replacement of the existing pool & pool house and renovation of the pool area.
Pool and Pool House June 2013
ZBA Pool Permit.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [149.6 KB]
See videos of the Zoning Board of Appeals Hearings. Search "Playlists" for "Zoning Board"
and select the meeting dates.
Plans can be found on the Wellesley Planning Board website page.
See Abutter Notices for description and details:
Notice to Abutters
ZBA Maintenance Notice.jpg
JPG image [2.3 MB]
Notice to Abutters
ZBA Pool Notice.jpg
JPG image [2.1 MB]
January 22 and February 4, 2013, Town Hall, The Great Room
WELLESLEY PLANNING BOARD Project of Significant Impact (PSI) Public Hearings for Wellesley Country Club Pool Project
Tuesday January 22, 2013, Town Hall, The Great Room (Upstairs) 7:30 PM
WELLESLEY PLANNING BOARD Project of Significant Impact (PSI) Public Hearing for Wellesley Country Club Facilities Maintenance Project
Tuesday January 8, 2013, Town Hall, The Great Room (Upstairs) 7:30 PM
Issued by Wellesley Planning Board, dated 1/29/13
Brookside Road Scenic Decision.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [98.6 KB]
Thursday January 3, 2013 Wetlands Protection Committee Meeting
On January 3, 2013 the Wetlands Protection Committee approved Wellesley Country Club's Request for Change to the Order of Conditions, MassDEP#324-647: Replace GrassPave System
with natural vegetation in the Riverfront Area and the Buffer Zone.
From the Request:
- The proposed construction would include the installation of an 8" crushed stone base on top of which 4" of loam would be spread. A New England Wildflower seed mix will be spread in keeping with the rest of the restoration area.
This change also eliminates the need for an asphalt apron at the site on Brookside Road.
Order of Conditions MA DEP
(See November 2012, below, for details on the entire project)
December 2012
Request for Change
9:30 PM - Wellesley Country Club, 300 Wellesley Avenue - Request for Change to Order of Conditions, MassDEP#324-647, Replace GrassPave System with natural vegetation in the Riverfront Area and the Buffer Zone.
November 2012
The Club has filed new plans with the Town's Planning Board
Monday December 17, 2012 - Planning Board - Town Hall - 7:30 PM:
Scenic Road Hearing for Brookside Road re: Proposed New Driveway (7:30 PM)
Project of Significant Impact (PSI) for New Maintenance Facilities (7:45 PM)
According to the plans, the proposed location for the new maintenance facility building will be underneath the Club's current paddle courts, which are located across Wellesley Avenue from the Club's main parking lot. The proposed bulk storage facility will also be in that same vicinity. Access will be from Forest Street. The wash-down and fuel facilities will remain in their current location on Wellesley Avenue, but reconfigured to allow more parking. The proposed new comfort station / lightening shelter and grass-paver access off of Scenic Brookside Road near the Community Gardens are also detailed in the plans. See Thursday October 4 meeting, below, for background information.
Written comments can be mailed to the Planning Board, Town Hall, 525 Washington Street, Wellesley, MA 02482 or emailed to mjop@wellesleyma.gov
See MA DEP #324-565 - the Restoration of Academy Brook under Environmental Considerations for more information about this site.
Scenic Road
Regulations, Section 6 - Criteria for Work Projects.
The Planning Board's decision on any application for proposed action affecting Scenic Roads or Scenic Road Layouts shall be based on consideration of the following criteria:
1. The degree to which the proposed action would adversely affect the scenic and aesthetic values upon which the road designation was originally based;
2. The necessity for the proposed action in terms of public safety, welfare or convenience;
3. Compensatory actions proposed, such as replacement of trees, or walls;
4. Availability of reasonable alternatives to the proposed action which could reduce or eliminate anticipated damage to trees or stone walls;
5. Whether the proposed action would compromise or harm other environmental or historical values; and
6. Consistency of the proposed action with previously adopted Town plans and policies.
Public Hearing Project of Significant Impact
How Brookside Became a Scenic Road!
Wellesley Country Club Maintenance Facility Plans as filed with the Town Planning Board
WCC Site Plans.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [15.4 MB]
Wellesley Country Club Maintenance Facility Architectural Plans as filed with the Town Planning Board
WCC Architecture Plans.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [14.2 MB]
The entire PSI Document List is available on the Town of Wellesley website.
Monday November 26, 2012
Board of Selectmen - Traffic & Pedestrian Safety
7:45 PM, Juliani Room, Wellesley Town Hall
Watch the Meeting - Country Club Discussion starts at 45 minutes.
Written comments can be sent to the Board of Selectmen at 525 Washington Street, Wellelsey, MA 02482-5992 or emailed to: sel@wellesleyma.gov
Thursday October 4, 2012 - Wellesley Wetlands Protection Committee Meeting
The Committee permitted a new 12' wide by 35' long fiberglass reinforced grass driveway into Club property by the Community Gardens.
Public Hearing - Wellelsey Country Club NOI MassDEP #324-647 - Closed
Includes responses to Committee Questions from 9.13.12 meeting and new maps
WCC's Revised Presentation 10.4.12.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.1 MB]
Committee and Applicant were notified in advance of tape recording taking place.
10.4.12 Wetlands Meeting Transcribed.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [273.7 KB]
See other documents below.
Notes from WCC Public Hearing on Comfort Station and Roadway
Patrick Garner 9.13.12 WPC Meeting.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [245.4 KB]
We'd like to thank the more than 100 of you who signed our letter to the Committee:
Signed by Wellesley residents, presented to Committee at 10.4.12 Meeting. Signatures on file at Town Hall.
Community to WPC.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [61.0 KB]
You can read more about the Wetlands Protection Act and the Rivers Act and our Town bylaws on our Resources page.
Thursday September 13, 2012
Wellesley Wetlands Protection Committee Meeting
A Notice of Intent has been filed for a proposed Comfort Station and Lightning Shelter along Brookside Road, next to the Community Gardens @Oakland Street
8:05 PM: Continued -- NOTICE OF INTENT
MassDEP #324-647, Wellesley Country Club, 294 Wellesley Avenue, Amended proposal to install utilities for Comfort Station and Restoration and Drainage Improvement in the Riverfront Area.
Committee and Applicant were notified in advance of tape recording taking place.
9.13.12 WPC Minutes Transcribed.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [224.7 KB]
Information and Filed Documents:
WCC Response to questions posed by Asst. NRC Director regarding applicant's August 30th NOI Package.
WCC_resp to rev NOI.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [105.8 KB]
Mass DEP #324-647
WCC NOI Aug 2012.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.6 MB]
August 30, 2012 Part 1
WCC stormwater 1 of 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [6.5 MB]
August 30, 2012 Part 2 of 2
WCC stormwater 2 of 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.6 MB]
Showing gravel driveway and planting areas
Site Restoration 8.30.12.png
Portable network image format [557.6 KB]
Image taken from Town of Wellesley website, annotated with approximate site of lot.
Wetlands Viewer Map.png
Portable network image format [659.9 KB]
Alternative to Riverfront Disruption
Composting Toilets.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [26.5 KB]
Wellesley Country Club Presents New Plans for Proposed Buildings, 2012
The Club held an Informational Meeting for Neighbors on March 1st at the Wellesley Community Center.
The new proposed location for the Turf Care and Maintenance Facility is south of Wellesley Avenue, near the Needham Line, with access from Brookside Road. This was not one of the 8 Alternate Locations proposed by the Community in January 2011. (below)
One of our members posted a detailed description of the meeting on our Blog. You can read it here.
Proposal for Maintenance Facilities on Brookside Road, 2010
Beals and Thomas Independent Peer Review
Commissioned by the Wellesley Wetlands Protection Committee and paid for by the applicant.
Beals and Thomas Peer Review.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.7 MB]
Alternate Locations for Maintenance Facilities
We retained the services of Patrick Garner, Wetland Scientist, Hydrologist, PLS, to identify and present 8 alternate sites for Wellesley County Club's maintenance facilities.
P.Garner AS.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
(Detailed Information and Location Descriptions are found in the above document.)
Community Flyer for Wetlands Protection Meeting January 11, 2011
January 11, 2011 Meeting
Please Attend V3 - LF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [75.8 KB]