In keeping with Town of Wellesley goals, Friends of Brookside supports good stewardship of the land over our aquifers and efforts to reduce pesticide use throughout our town. We're all about the water!
Sisters of Charity, 125 Oakland Street
Learn More about this project, adjacent to Centennial Park, here.
Wellesley Country Club Tree Removal Project
Next Meeting:
Hearing continued to Thursday August 17, 2017; 7PM, NRC Offices, Town Hall Lower Level
If you cannot attend, the Wetlands Protection Committee welcomes public comments.
Emai Julie Meyer, Wetlands Administrator at jmeyer@wellesleyma.gov
Hearing Continued to Thursday June 15, 2017 (Click on the Town Calendar on the 13th to see the posted agenda.)
On February 16 the Wetlands Protection Committee voted to require the Club to submit a formal Notice of Intent (NOI) to the Committee to request removal of the 72 trees. Abutters will be notified directly as part of that process and there will be another public hearing should the Country Club submit that application. The Wetlands Protection Committee welcomes public comments. Email: nrc@wellesleyma.gov
July 19, 2017
Memo for July Hearing.pdf
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List of 67 trees to be removed in the resource areas, July 2017
Table 1 Trees in RA and Buffers v2.pdf
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July 2017
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List of Trees and Maps.pdf
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Wellesley Country Club New 6-hole Course in Zone 2 Water Supply Protection District on Brookside Road at the Wellesley Needham Line Permitted
To be voted by the ZBA Friday, June 3, 9:30am., Juliani Rm. Town Hall.
Country Club Wellesley decision.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [202.6 KB]
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- Watch the March 24 Wellesley ZBA Hearing here, starting at 48 minutes.
- Watch the March 10 Wellesley ZBA Hearing here, starting at 36 minutes.
- Contact us for more information.
Click here for area maps, the SWAP Report, Charles River Watershed Assessment and more.
Wellesley resident Dr. Sarah Little's testimony during the ZBA Wellesley Country Club Public Hearing regarding the use of pesticides.
ZBA WCC SLittle.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [39.1 KB]
Major Site Plan Review & Aquifer Overlay District Special Permit
WCC Short Course Special Permit Applicat[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]
Memo ZBA SIte Plan Review WCC Short Cour[...]
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WCC ZBA Letter_NRC.pdf
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May 2007 (revised June 2012)
Turfgrass Management Plan WCC 2012.pdf
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The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf is an award winning education and certification program that helps golf courses protect our environment and preserve the natural heritage of the game of golf. By helping people enhance the valuable natural areas and wildlife habitats that golf courses provide, improve efficiency, and minimize potentially harmful impacts of golf course operations, the program serves an important environmental role worldwide. Audubon International has developed Standard Environmental Management Practices that are generally applicable to all golf courses. These standards form the basis for ACSP for Golf certification guidelines.
Town of Wellesley Integrated Pest Management Policy
Natural Resources Commission
Land Owned by the Town of Wellesley, Massachusetts
Toxics Use Reduction
For Citizens and Municipalities of Massachusetts
Natural Resources Commission
Wetand Resource Areas
The entire Brookside Area is located in a Well Head Protection Area, a Water Supply Protection District, and sits atop the Rosemary Brook alluvial aquifer. Much of the area is also Riverfront and Wetlands, which have special protection under the 1996 Riverfront Act and our Town's Wetlands Protection Bylaw. Learn more about the Area.
Protecting Water & Wildlife
Greenbelts, or Buffers, absorb fertilizers, pesticides, sediments and floodwater. They stabilize shoreline and provide wildlife habitat.
Vegetated Buffer Strips are the single most effective way to prevent contaminants from entering bodies of water. Wellesley's Natural Resources Commission, the Charles River Watershed and the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America all advocate for the establishment and widening of vegetative buffer strips to protect water quality.
Riverfront Areas provide many free services to the community and to the environment. The Riverfront Area, in its natural condition, provides a natural flood storage area, slows down
surface water runoff, and can limit flooding and damage caused by storm events. Rivers, including their abutting 200 foot upland areas, are important wildlife habitat areas, providing food, shelter,
breeding sites, migration, and overwintering areas, for both wetland and upland species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.
The Wetlands Protection Act identifies eight protected riverfront interests, including: flood control, prevention of storm damage, prevention of pollution, fisheries, land containing shellfish,
groundwater, public or private water supply, and wildlife habitat.
Public Hearing Continued to Thursday July 11, 2013, 7:35PM, NRC Office (lower level)
WCC Request to Amend the Order of Conditions for the Academy Brook Restoration Project
To provide periodic maintenance of the restored channel to maintain its design capacity.
5.31.13 Academy Brook Request for OOC Am[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [3.8 MB]
The Amended Order issued August 12, 2013. It added two conditions in perpetuity to allow maintenance of the Academy Brook restoration.
MA DEP #324-565 - The Restoration of Academy Brook
In 2007 an Order of Conditions was granted to Wellesley Country Club by the Wetlands Committee for the Restoration of Academy Brook, MA DEP #324-565.
January 11, 2011 an Enforcement Order was issued to the Club from the Town of Wellesley Wetlands Protection Committee for the dumping and stockpiling of landscape debris within the Riverfront Area and Lands within 200 feet of Rosermary Brook and buffer zone of wetlands ...
May 24, 2011 an Amendment to the Enforcement Order was issued. It called for Additional Stockpile Removal, Additional Debris Removal, and Site Stabilization via the temporary installation of a gravel tracking pad at the entrance of the lot and a gravel driveway installed to the exiting portapotties.
Issued to WCC by Wetlands Protection Committee
WCC Enforcement Order January 2011.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [7.1 MB]
Additional action items required of the Club
WCC Enforcement Order Addendum May 2011.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [215.4 KB]
Street View of Brookside Road at Academy Brook Staging Lot
This area is the location of the fiberglass reinforced grass pave driveway permitted by the Wetlands Protection Committee on October 4, 2012: MA DEP #324-647, Proposal to install utilities for Comfort Station and Restoration and Drainage Improvement in the Riverfront Area.
Showing changes to the Riverfront Area
Evolution of Wellesley Country Club lot [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]
Aerial Photographs of Brookside Road through the Years
The section of Brookside Road adjacent to the Community Gardens at Oakland Street is shown below, facing North.
Four Slides - Arerial and Street 2006 - 2011
Years 2004 through 2010 showing the area off Brookside Road adjacent to the Community Gardens.
WCC Aerial Facing East.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [726.6 KB]
Years 2004 through 2010 showing the area off Brookside Road adjacent to the Community Gardens
WCC Aerial Facing West.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [588.8 KB]
Curb Cuts through the Riverfront Area along Brookside Road
Aerial and Street Views of 4 curb cuts through the Riverfront Area
WCC Curb Cuts Aerial Ground.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.8 MB]
The Riverfront Area along Brookside Road Provides Valuable Wildlife Habitat
See photos of turtles using the area
Brookside Road in Needham - (0 Forest Street, NGWP #16) – Notice of Intent
June 9, 2011 Wellesley County Club Wetland and Buffer Zone Restoration Project,
2.3: Proposed Activities, Impacts and Mitigation
.... the WCC is proposing to remove the stockpiled materials from the buffer zone and the eroded materials within the wetland and buffer zone. (See complete NOI Narrative