Water Talk with Joe Duggan, Wellesley Water and Sewer Superintendent
Click Here to see slides from the presentation.
Clean Up!
WBUR On-Point - Listen!
Improper lighting can negatively affect trees, insects, and wildlife.
We are proud to support the efforts of our neighbors across town.
Learn more at Mass Green Network
Contact the Wellesley Natural Resources Commission if you have any questions about this Town bylaw.
The Natural Heritage of Endangered Species Program tracks Northern Long Eared Bats (NLEB) and has created a map of their habitat locations for the State, two of which are in Wellesley: Babson College and Wellesley Country Club. Due to severe population declines caused by White Nose Syndrome (WNS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the Long Eared Bat as a Threatened Species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA, 50CFR 17.11) on April 2, 2015. NLEB is also listed as Endangered under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA, M.G.L. c.131A).
A quick primer on where our water comes from!
This lovely bird has been sighted in Rosemary Brook. Read more, HERE.
Congratulations, Wellesley, for being the first EPA Green Power Community in Massachusetts!
Visit the Town's Municipal Light Plant to learn more!
Friends of Brookside was pleased to be awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Wellesley's Sustainable Energy Committee for our efforts to support the More Power to Choose campaign.
Our Green Collaborative partner, Wellesley Green Schools, is doing excellent work in educating the public about the health and environmental effects of automobile idling.
Click on the flyer below to learn more:
See also:
DVD's available at the WFLibrary courtesy of our alliance partner, Wellesley Cancer Prevention Project.
https://wellesleyma.gov/1652/PFAS-InformationA special thank you to Joe Duggan, Frm. Wellesley Water and Sewer Superintendent, for making our Water Talk a success!
Friends of Brookside CELEBRATED Wellesley's Scenic Roads with Town Leaders.
Congratulations to Wellesley's 7th and newest scenic road! Read about it here.
Click Here to see slides from the presentation.